Mind-body transformation through attuned deep tissue release

Rooted in traditional Chinese medicine

Forestwalk Bodywork embraces multiple Asiatic bodywork modalities in a trauma-informed approach to holistic care.

Our practice highlights a gravity-assisted, deep tissue compression massage technique called ashiatsu (foot pressure in Japanese). Said to be the “deepest form of massage,” ashiatsu utilizes the feet and body weight to deliver deep, broad, and consistent pressure, and is wonderfully healing for both chronic and acute conditions. Our technique also incorporates yoga asanas and elements of Thai massage, such as assisted stretching, to improve mobility.

Forestwalk’s approach is grounded in traditional Chinese medical theory. Treatments emphasize the mind-body connection and feature meridian system diagnosis, acupressure points, and energy work including medical qigong.

Due to its compressive nature, ashiatsu can be a relatively intense form of massage. Forestwalk prioritizes moving at the pace of safety and firmly believes that you are the expert on your own body. During initial consultations, we work with clients to establish a shared language for understanding and communicating comfort levels during sessions. Our healing practice supports modifications and affirms boundaries.

Sessions available in the East Bay Area

Forestwalk offers 60-minute bodywork sessions at $125 per session, or 75-minute sessions for $150, at our office just north of Downtown Oakland.

You may book a session using the scheduler via the button below, or email ForestwalkBodywork@gmail.com to inquire about additional availability.

Current Pricing Specials

New Client Special | $100 for one 60-minute session

Referrals | $88 60-minute sessions for both referrer and referred

Hear from clients

“The session was great — definite improvement in physiology and mental state.”

“Overall, I experienced a release energetically, spiritually, and of course, physically. I felt like my inner child could breathe and see light. My body felt looser, and it felt like the blood flow in my body was circulating with more balance. I 100% recommend Sen as a bodywork practitioner, and I’m excited to return again!”

“My left hip that usually bothers me felt a lot more mobile and free after your massage!”

About Sen

Sen Lu (they/them) is a queer and trans Taiwanese-American acupuncture student and conflict mediator-in-training. They left a seven-year career in software engineering after developing a chronic pain condition that severely limited their life for over four years. Acupuncture, ashiatsu, and tai chi have been instrumental in their recovery. Sen enjoys sunlit naps, freeform dancing, and making jewelry and neon signs.